Bump, don’t jump: Incrementally stay ahead of fee increases
Most financial planning firms in Australia and abroad reprice their advice offering every four to five years and often only after profit has been challenged by expense growth. This produces wildly fluctuating profit outcomes and individual client pricing outcomes that are not aligned. Through implementing flexible advice pricing frameworks, changes in expenses can be […]
Why more advisers are pitching advice as an investment, not a cost
A lot has been said and written about the cost to access financial advice in this country. Perhaps the focus has been too much on the cost, and not enough on the value. It is correct to say the cost of accessing advice is increasing – there are many reasons for this that are well […]
Can Financial Advice Fees be Charged to a Superannuation Fund?
A law enacted in 1993 has once again begun to gnaw at the minds of financial advisers and advice-business owners all around Australia in 2019 as a result of the Royal Commission and the new emphasis it placed on enforcing penalties on those who get it wrong. Why do we need to consider the Sole […]
Advisers sticking around will pay up for services
“People say you won’t get advice firms to pay for services, but if you can deliver something they want and add value to their practices then my experience is they will pay for it.” Supporting advisers and practices with the services they need and to genuinely implement initiatives is emerging as a need in Peloton’s […]
Pricing in a Post Royal Commission World
Building an optimal fee model has become a sore spot for advisers as they struggle to balance the needs of their clients with their own profitability. In a post Royal Commission world, financial advisers are fearing potentially significant changes amid forecasts that the industry may shrink and relatively quickly. Despite the looming changes, we are […]
Benchmarking your way to success
Find out how you can apply benchmarking to better understand your business.